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Oluf Rasmussen
Dorthe Pedersdatter
Søren Pedersen
(Cir 1761-1816)
Anne Olsdatter
Rasmus Olsen
Dorthe Sørensdatter
Søren Rasmussen


Family Links

1. Johanne Kirstine Hermansdatter

Søren Rasmussen

  • Born: 28 Sep 1833, Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
  • Christened: 1 Dec 1833, Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
  • Marriage (1): Johanne Kirstine Hermansdatter on 19 Nov 1856 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
  • Died: 18 Mar 1900, Sankt Matthæus Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark
  • Buried: 21 Mar 1900, Enghave Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark

bullet  General Notes:

Søren was a træskomand, meaning he made wooden shoes for a living. Træskomænd (plural of træskomand) usually bought the trees where they were standing and it was up to the men to cut them down and transport the wood home. Often several træskomænd would pool their resources and help each other out, as the tree trunks were heavy and the carriages frail. Transportation during winter frost was preferred. Safely home with the wood, the men would have a "wood" party (trægilde) with coffee and toddies...

Another option was to have the wood delivered by the landowner and sell the shoes back to him afterwards. The deal could be that the træskomand got to keep half of the shoes and the landowner got the rest.

To make wooden shoes you need wood that's not dried out, so the chopped wood were kept outside under some branches in the shade. A træskomand could make at least 5 pairs of shoes per day. The shoes were then sold to the landowners, to travelling salesmen or at the local market. Many træskomænd would walk to the village when he had made 30-40 pairs of shoes. At the market, the buyer would usually buy 12 pairs tied together in a variety of sizes - that way there'd be new shoes for the whole family.

Sources: Museet på Gl. Rye Mølle ( and Håndværk - da det var håndens værk ( by Jørgen Duus, published by Forlaget Ny Havn

bullet  Birth Notes:

He was 23 years old when he got married (according to the marriage record).

bullet  Death Notes:

Bagerstræde 8.

bullet  Events

• He appeared on the Bjerresøe census on 18 Feb 1834 in Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. A house:
Rasmus Olsen, 27 years old, married, wheelwright [Hjulmand] and copyholder of house with land [Huusfæster med jord]
Dorthe Sørensdatter, 27 years old, married, his wife
Sidse Marie, 2 years old, single, their child
Søren, 1 year old, single, their child
Frederick Petersen, 55 years old, married, pensioner in his own house [har aft i huuset]
Dorthe Pedersdatter, 55 years old, married, his wife.

• He appeared on the Bjerresøe census on 1 Feb 1840 in Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. A house:
Rasmus Olsen, 33 years old, married, wheelwright [Hjuulmand], owns a house with land
Dorthe Sørensdatter, 33 years old, married, his wife
Sidse Marie Rasmusdatter, 8 years old, single, their child
Søren Rasmussen, 7 years old, single, their child
Jens Rasmussen, 6 years old, single, their child
Ane Rasmusdatter, 2 years old, single, their child
Frederik Pedersen, 61, married
Dorthe Pedersdatter 61, married, his wife.

• He appeared on the Bjerresøe census on 1 Feb 1845 in Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. A house:
Rasmus Olsen, 38 years old, married, smallholder and wheelwright [Hjuulmand], born in Wallekilde
Dorthe Sørensdatter, 38 years old, married, his wife, born in Faarevejle
Sidse Marie, 13 years old, single, their child, born in Wallekilde
Søren, 12 years old, single, their child, born in Wallekilde
Jens, 11 years old, single, their child, born in Wallekilde
Ane, 8 years old, single, their child, born in Wallekilde
Niels, 3 years old, single, their child, born in Wallekilde
Frederik Pedersen, 68 years old, married, born in Copenhagen, pensioner in his own house [har aftægt i huuset]
Dorthe Pedersdatter, 66 years old, married, born in Faarevejle, his wife.

• He was confirmed in 1848 in Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• Anecdote: May 1849. Søren leaves Vallekilde parish and heads for [Folleslev or Følleslev?].

• Anecdote: May 1856, Vallekilde Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Søren moves back to Vallekilde at the age of 22.

• He worked as a day labourer (daglejer) and clog maker (træskomand) between 19 Nov 1856 and 1 Aug 1866 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• He appeared on the Strandportshusene census on 1 Feb 1860 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Strandportshusene, 101, a house:
Søren Rasmussen, 27, married, born in Vallekilde parish, træskomand
Johanne Kirstine Hermansen, 35, married, born in Sønder Jernløse, his wife
Vilhelmine Dorthea Rasmussen, 4, single, born in this parish, his child
Juliane Rasmussen, 2, single, born in this parish, his child.

• He resided at Strandportshusene on 29 Mar 1869 in Holbæk Skt. Nikolaj Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• Søren was living in 1870 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark: Clogmaker (træskomand).

• He resided at slotsmølle... in 1872 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• He worked as a clog maker (træskomand) between 12 Apr 1874 and 24 Sep 1876 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• He resided at Strandportshusene on 24 Sep 1876 in Holbæk Skt. Nikolaj Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• He appeared on the Adelgade [Ahlgade] census on 1 Feb 1880 in Holbæk Skt. Nikolaj Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Adelgade [Ahlgade] 77, 1st row [forhuset], main floor:
Søren Rasmussen, male, 46, married, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, head of the household, shoemaker [tøffelmager]
Johanne Kirstine Hermansen, female, 53, married, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, housewife
Anna Kristine Flora Rasmussen, female, 17, single, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, daughter
Leonora Ferdinandine Rasmussen, female, 15, single, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, daughter
Leandre Marie Emilie Rasmussen, female, 13, single, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, daughter
Jakobine Adolfine Franciska Rasmussen, female, 10, single, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, daughter
Rasmus Daniel Petersen, male, 29, single, Lutheran, born in Holbæk amt, assistant.

• He worked as a shoemaker [tøffelmager] on 1 Feb 1880 in Holbæk Skt. Nikolaj Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark.

• He resided at Holbæk on 12 Nov 1880.

• Anecdote: Søren and Johanne moved to Bagerstræde 8, main floor, 14 May 1892, Sankt Matthæus Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark. There they opened up a store making and selling shoes.

• He worked as a shoemaker [skotøjfabrikant] on 18 Mar 1900 in Sankt Matthæus Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark.

• He resided at Bagerstræde 8, main floor on 18 Mar 1900 in Sankt Matthæus Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark.

Søren married Johanne Kirstine Hermansdatter, daughter of Michael Herman Madsen and Anne Cathrine Madsdatter, on 19 Nov 1856 in Tveje Merløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. (Johanne Kirstine Hermansdatter was born on 30 Jun 1825 in Sønder Jernløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark, christened on 13 Jul 1825 in Sønder Jernløse Sogn, Merløse Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark, died on 19 Jan 1902 in Sankt Matthæus Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark and was buried on 24 Jan 1902 in Enghave Sogn, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt, Denmark.). The cause of her death was bronchitis/senility.

Updated November 2023

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