Henry Pinkerton
(Cir 1805-1854) |
Henry Pinkerton
• He has conflicting birth information of Cir 1802 and Ireland. • He owned land con. 8, no. 33 in 1837 in King Township, York, Home, Canada. • He appeared on the census in Jan 1852 in King Township, York, Home, Canada. Henry Pinkerton, farmer, born in Ireland, Methodist, 47 yrs old, married • He owned land Con. 7 and 8, Lot 32 and 33 in Jan 1852 in King Township, York, Home, Canada. 200 acres: 100 under cultivation; 84 under crops; 16 under pasture; 1 acre gardens or orchards; 100 under wood or wild. 40 acres wheat; 800 produce bsh. • He appeared on the census in Jan 1852 in Greenock Township, Bruce, Ontario, Canada. Henry Pinkerton, farmer, born in Ireland, Episcopalian, 50 yrs old, married • He owned land Con. 1, Lot 67 in Jan 1852 in Greenock Township, Bruce, Ontario, Canada. 50 acres: 6 under cultivation; 44 under wood or wild. • He owned land Lot 70 NDR and Lot 70 SDR in Greenock Township, Bruce, Ontario, Canada. • He was employed as a councillor on the first Greenock Township Council in 1854 in Greenock Township, Bruce, Ontario, Canada. Henry married Eliza. (Eliza was born circa 1811 in Ireland and died in 1897.) |
Updated November 2023
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