Hans Jensen
- Born: 9 Mar 1831, Nykøbing Sjælland Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
- Christened: 5 Jun 1831, Nykøbing Sjælland Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
• He appeared on the Leergraven 138, Nykøbing Sjælland Købstad census on 18 Feb 1834 in Nykøbing Sjælland Købstad, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Jens Nielsen, 43, married, shoemaker Maren Hansdatter, 43, married, his wife Peter Jensen, 10, single, their child Christian Jensen, 6, single, their child Hans Jensen, 3, single, their child Mads Carl Jensen, 1, single, their child Georg Nicolai Hein Falster 52, widower, royal pensioner, lodger Marie Madsdatter, 14, single, head of household's stepdaughter.
• He appeared on the Thules Enghave census on 1 Feb 1840 in Nykøbing Sjælland Købstad, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Jens Nielsen, 49, married, day-labourer and shoemaker (skoflikker) without middle-class status (borgerskab) Maren Hansdatter, 48, married, his wife Peter Jensen, 16, single, their son Niels Chr. Jensen, 12, single, their son Hans Jensen, 9, single, their son Mads Carl Jensen, 7, single, their son.
• He appeared on the Uden for Øster Port 138 census on 1 Feb 1845 in Nykøbing Sjælland Købstad, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Jens Nielsen, 54, married, born in Grevinge Sogn in Holbæk Amt, [illegible] Maren Hansdatter, 53, married, born in Odden Sogn in Holbæk Amt, his wife Hans Jensen, 14, born in Nykjøbing, his child Mads Carl Jensen, 12, born in Nykjøbing, his child [Bodil] Madsdatter, 28, married, born in Rørvig Sogn in Holbæk Amt, Head of household's step-daughter Ane Marie Nielsdatter, 1, born in Nykjøbing, her child Niels Christian Jensen, 18, single, born in Nykjøbing, head of household's child.