Anders Rasmussen
- Born: 1784, Fårevejle Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
- Christened: 1784, Fårevejle Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark
Birth Notes:
• He appeared on the Wedinge census on 1 Jul 1787 in Fårevejle Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Rasmus Jensen, husband, 36 years old, married, smallholder and tailor Ane Andersdatter, his wife, 36 years old, married Ole Rasmussen, child, 12 years old Peder Rasmussen, child, 7 years old Anders Rasmussen, child, 3 years old.
• He appeared on the Weddinge Bye census on 1 Feb 1801 in Fårevejle Sogn, Ods Herred, Holbæk Amt, Denmark. Rasmus Jensen, husband, 49 years old, married, smallholder with land Anne Andersdatter, his wife, 50 years old, married Ole Rasmussen, their child, 27 years old, single, soldier Peder Rasmussen, their child, 20 years old, single Anders Rasmussen, their child, 15 years old, single.